Welcome, Authors!

When you submit a story to the Y2R website, it’ll be checked first to ensure it contains nothing libellous, graphically violent, or racist, or is just plain nasty. Is this censorship? Yes, but since we aim to attract a wide readership we have to exclude whenever a story goes beyond acceptable boundaries. You’ll be able to follow its status (under review, accepted, rejected) via your own unique dashboard

The advantages of posting stories in the Y2R website are:


  • You can invite feedback from readers and other authors; Y2R is a community in which ideas are shared and critique given in a constructive way
  • We already have a long reach! We have members across Africa, Europe, Canada and Australia. Take a look at the locations of authors who are already on board. Your stories can be in front of readers in these countries in an instant, downloadable to any device
  • Copyright remains with you: we have no rights- legal or moral- in stories posted, and you are free to take down, delete or modify any story whenever you like
  • We give priority on our front page to an ‘Author of the Week’ based upon quality of story and number of downloads. This gives even more profile to new and established writers

    *You can place links to your Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts

  • We’ll soon be rolling out prize-winning competitions: if you’re registered as an Author, you’ll automatically receive notification of these
  • It’s free!